



How Hydrogen Vehicles Will Far Outpace Electric Vehicles — And Why

Jul 12, 2022

2 min read

Hydrogen and energy fuelled vehicles (EVs) have created waves in the auto industry, in particular due to their low carbon footprints. Both are at the forefront of emission-cutting tech in the automotive world, but there are several distinctions between the two types that could outpace one to own the market more than the other. In this article we will look into how hydrogen vehicles could perform better than their energy competitors in the years to come.

Hydrogen Vehicles Require Significantly Less Refuel Time Compared To EVs

Hydrogen fuelled vehicles are powered by a fuel cell, which uses auxillary processes to extract energy from the hydrogen present in the fuel cell, whereas EVs do not have an extraction process, rather they utilise the energy directly provided from the battery. The benefit of the approach a Hydrogen vehicle takes is that since hydrogen is energy dense, refuel is only required at occasionally. EVs usually need to be charged every few days for an average user. This results in and greater need for time and money so as to refuel.

Further, EVs take much more time to refuel compared to Hydrogen vehicles. On average, most EVs require around 10–12 hours for a full charge. Hydrogen vehicles can be refuelled at a H2 pump within 45 minutes.

Hydrogen Vehicles Have Greater Ranges Than EVs

Most Hydrogen vehicles offer greater ranges than their competitor EVs. For example, Renault’s Kangoo Z.E. Hydrogen and Master Z.E. Hydrogen have range extender fuel cells that deliver ranges of over 350 kilometres and charge times of just 5–10 minutes. As mentioned earlier, this saves much more time and money compared to EVs.

Hydrogen Infrastructure Is Easy To Scale Up

H2 refuel pumps are becoming increasingly common as the Hydrogen market matures as expands. This technology, as well as the facilities required for manufacturing Hydrogen vehicles, is much easier to swiftly produce on both a small and large scale in comparison to EV recharge stations and factories.

Hydrogen Is Becoming Cheaper

Hydrogen resources have dropped up to 80% in price over the past few years as extraction processes have become more advanced. This is a huge benefit for the industry and market at hand as it provides incentive for investors and H2 businesses to create and scale up more H2 technologies.